Prescription Refills

  • Most refills cannot be filled without an appointment.

  • Controlled substances are never filled without an appointment.

  • New York State law now requires all prescriptions to be sent electronically to your pharmacy.

  • If your need for a refill request is urgent, you can be seen as a walk-in patient. 

The Rationale for our Refill Policy...
A medication refill entails a review of all your medications, medical conditions, prior visits, recent test results and the timing of your next visit. Side efffects and drug interactions need to be identified and monitored. An office visit is the best environment to do this.
It is important that you establish a clear understanding with your provider of how your medications are to be managed.  Often tests have been ordered to be completed prior to your appointment, so please plan to do these at least a few days before.  Prescriptions are written to last until your next appointment. 
For example, chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and mental health conditions require quarterly provider visits (every 3 months).  If the condition is not well controlled more frequent visits may be needed. 
Remember, when you are near the end of your prescription it is a reminder to schedule an appointment!

Prior Authorizations

  • Prior authorization (PA) for medications and radiological tests can sometimes take days or even weeks.

  • Be aware that your insurance company may deny a medication or radiological tests at their discretion.

  • You may be required to take an alternative medicine if our first choice is denied by your insurance.

  • We will not provide prior authorization for tests or medications ordered by another doctor.

A “prior authorization” is similar to a referral but more time consuming and difficult to obtain.  This process is required by most insurers as a means of attempting to control the cost of health care. Providers must supply a significant amount of documentation to the insurer to show that a patient meets their criteria.  This activity cannot take priority over the immediate responsibility to care for our patients in the office. We share this frustrating requirement with you so please be as patient as possible; we will work to the best of our ability to obtain the approval as quickly as possible.  Even with our best effort coverage may not be approved.

If you have any questions or concerns about our office and billing policies,
please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to assist with any questions you might be having.